经过18年的蓬勃发展,中心在展览策划、展会主承办、工程承建、展览及会议配套服务等方面积累了丰富的经验,拥有一支高学历、高素质的管理团队和一支充满 朝气、训练有素、熟悉并可全面掌控展会运作的专业队伍。成功参与组织、策划了首届泛珠三角省会城市市长论坛、第三届中国肿瘤学术大会等大型会议。其中为适 应泛珠三角区域经济发展的要求,参与策划并推动的泛珠三角省会城市市长论坛目前已巡回举办了七届,已成为泛珠三角区域合作最具影响力的高端论坛。承办及承 建的大型展会有:2004年-2010年广州博览会、第七届亚太国际橡塑工业展、第6-13届中国留学人员广州科技交流会、2005-2010年广州国际 旅游展销会、2005-2007广州国际消防、安防及安全生产展览会、广州2007-2008国际动漫展、2007广州国际城市交通展览会、 2007-2010日资汽车相关零部件(广州)国际采购展览会、2009-2010广州电子游戏国际产业展等。为适应政府主导展会的办展改革要求,在广博 会组委会领导下,中心致力于推动广州博览会“以博带专,以专促博”的办展思路,重点打造专业展。自2004年广博会开始,在广博会内先后引进及举办了众多 广受好评的专业展,仅2006年广博会6个专业展的规模就达5万平方米。如今的广博会已成为广州市重要的城市名片,并于2006年12月9日在商务部中国 会展经济研究会主办的“政府主导型展会创新发展论坛”上向全国推广经验;2010年获商务部评为诚信中国十大诚信企业。
我中心将秉承“专业、精深、创新、诚信”的经营理念,追求“质量、信誉、服务”的目标,为中国展览业的发展与会展经济的美好未来而不懈努力! 我们以经验丰富的专业人才、品种齐全的器材资源,成熟的市场环境,系统的技术支持,优质的现场服务,期待与您的合作!
Created in March 1993 and accredited by Guangzhou Organization Commission, Guangzhou Exhibition Service Center features in conferences, exhibitions, plan and design of activities as well as project construction and service. It sets up exhibition department, conference service department, equipment renting department, project department, design department, administration department, finance department, among which each carries on its own duty to ensure every project goes ahead as planned.
Company Strength
After 14 years’ blossom particularly from December 2002 to March 2004, the center along with Guangzhou Xinzhong Wine Management Co., Ltd provided one-stop exhibition projects and amenities services for Guangzhou International Exhibition Center. Accordingly, it accumulated ample exhibition service experience and fashioned its own advantages in soft and hard exhibition services.
Service Items
Services of the center cover standard exhibition booth planning and construction, exhibition devices renting, exhibition space planning, project bidding, main field construction, spot supervise, opening and closing ceremony planning and implement, conference place and stage design and production.
Company Advantages
The company has a professionally first-rate team in client service, creative design and construction to have every project show its best in design and quality.
地址:中国广东省广州市东方金融大厦712室 邮编:510170
办公室事务:+86-20-8126 9849
招商招展事务:+86-20-8126 9855
工程搭建事务:+86-20-8126 9854
传真:+83-20-8126 9860
Address: Room 712, Dongfang Financial Building, Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, China
Post Code: 510170
Office: +86-20-8126 9849
Exhibition: +86-20-8126 9855
Engin: +86-20-8126 9854
Fax: +86-20-8126 9860
E-mail: gzfair@vip.163.com; gzfair@163.com